With this issue, Number 8, our magazine celebrates its twentieth anniversary.
We have come a long way since our first little effort saw the light of day back in 1959. It and its two immediate successors, published in 1962 and 1965 respectively, under the editorship of Mr George MacDonald Banks contributed much to carry the initial fiery crosses with the gospel of clan Donald to its members in the far-flung corners of the world. Magazine Number 4, a much larger one, was published in 1968 under the editorship of the late Dr. Robert MacLagan Gorrie. Number 5 appeared in 1971 from the capable hands of Mr Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton, who also acted as Senior Editor of Number 6, published in 1975. Magazine Number 7 was published in 1977 as the “Silver Jubilee Number” under the direction of the present editor.
This year sees the first International Gathering of the clans in that new Scotland across the Atlantic, Nova Scotia, and in honour of that event we have chosen for this number of our magazine a white cover with blue printing.
We wish to thank all those who have contributed articles and photographs, and also those who have taken advertising space, without whose support we could not have gone into print. –N.H.M.