At last the Clan Donald is getting organized in its North American heartland of Nova Scotia under the leadership of Commissioner, Ronald A. MacDonald of Antigonish.
Great encouragement has been given this new organization by Father Malcolm MacDonell, President of St. Francis Xavier University and himself a member of the Clan Donald Association of Nova Scotia. The Cland Donald Co-ordinating Committee, with offices on the university premises has also helped by providing space and some other services.
Recently a new branch under Deputy Commissioner, Clyde F. MacDonald has been organized in Pictou County, and plans are well under way to finalize another branch in Cape Breton under the leadership of Mr. Malcolm S. MacDonald of Sydney and East Bay.
Lately the Clan Donald (Antigonish) manned a tent at the Highland Games during which information was passed out and hospitality extended, and the same will be done at the New Glasgow Festival of the Tartans. The various cairns described elsewhere will be taken under the Clan Donald Association of Nova Scotia’s wing, and a ceremony is planned at one of these during Clanranald’s projected visit in October.
Major Douglas Stallard of New Glasgow has undertaken to co-ordinate activities for the Clan Donald representation at the International Festival of the Clans and tour of the Isles in 1977. Support is also offered to the Antigonish Highland Society, the Antigonish Legion Pipe Band and all other general Scot activities in the area.
The Council of the Antigonish branch is composed of: Ronald A. MacDonald, Commissioner; Douglas MacDonald QC, Deputy Commissioner; Dr, D.V. MacDonald; H.M. MacDonald and Brigadier General J.K. MacDonald.
Through St. Francis Xavier University great interest is expressed in the extension of Gaelic studies between Nova Scotia, USA, Ireland and Scotland and collaboration with Mr. Iain Noble’s Sabhal Mor Ostaig on Skye.
Close connections are also maintained with the Clan Donald of Canada in all these activities, and future programs are being formulated at present for the coming year.