It is with much pleasure that we are able to present this issue No7 close on the heels of No6 after a lapse of only one year.
Although we have not yet succeeded in making the magazine an annual, perhaps this Silver Jubilee number in the year of the international Gathering of the Clans will help us to achieve that aim.
Fittingly, No7 includes more material than ever before from the societies overseas and we proudly declare it to be truly representative of the whole Clan Donald.
We are not forgetful of the generous donations given towards the production of this and the previous issue by American and Canadian Clansmen, or of those who have supported us by contributing articles or taking advertisements, without which we could not have hoped to produce a journal of this magnitude.
Finally, we wish to offer our sincere thanks to the former Editor, Mr. Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton FSA Scot, for his untiring efforts in raising the standard of the magazine to its present level and to Miss Mary McDonald for handling the financial side so admirably.