As interim editor I feel I must pay tribute to the late Dr Gorrie, our Hon. Editor, who worked so hard for a year in failing health to collect material and make all the preliminary arrangements for the production of this our Magazine No5. He laid the foundations on which at short notice I have had to build; but his work was so well organised that it has been comparatively easy to take up the reins. With time running short to our date of issue, and the postal strike to make things worse, this could not having been done without the help of Mr H. MacDonald who organised the advertising side as well as helping with material and the business arrangements. Mr G.D. MacDonald Banks, who edited the first three numbers of the Magazine, gave me invaluable help and advice in the task of editing its contents. I am grateful to these two gentlemen for their help.
I had hoped to have more news from overseas but the strike has made that impossible. We are grateful to those who have contributed articles, photographs and news, and also those firms who have taken advertising space.
We hope to make this a great success warranting the production of an annual issue. To that end may I ask all readers to make it more widely known and encourage the increased sales upon which we depend so much? We can look forward to further issues only if the circulation increases.