The Chiefs and Their Families.
MacDhomhnaill. Godfrey James, whom we met first in 1967 as the Hon. Godfrey, is now the 8th Lord Macdonald of Macdonald in succession to his father who died in November 1970. He came of age in 1968 and married Claire, daughter of Captain and Mrs Catlow of Tunstall, Lancs. on the 14th June 1969. They are residing in Edinburgh while he is working and studying as a C.A. having completed half the course. He has had to take a year off to attend to his estates, but will resume his work in October. Meantime the Macdonald Estates which include Portree, Broadford and the Sleat peninsula, have to be organised under the new owner. Ever since he first contacted the Edinburgh Society, Lord Macdonald has shown great interest in The Clan; and all those of us who have met him have developed a real and sincere affection for him and his wife, who helps him in every way. We look forward with pleasure to having them with us for many happy years to come.
MacDhomhnaill nan Eilean. Sir Ian Godfrey, 16th Baronet of Sleat, came of age in the same year as his cousin, Lord Macdonald, and we celebrated the double event at an Annual Dinner in Edinburgh in 1968. He and his family have been frequent visitors to Edinburgh from 1910 when his great-grandfather, Sir Alexander, used to come down to the present day. Older members of the Edinburgh Society can remember Sir Alexander, Sir Godfrey, Sir Somerled and now Sir Ian with great pleasure and affection. On the 1st August 1970 Sir Ian was married to Juliet, daughter of General and Mrs Ward-Harrison of Hazel Bush, York, in York Minster. It was a big wedding to which some 700 guests were invited. A party of nine which included the President, his wife, the Hon. Sec., the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Piper, senior member of Council, Mr Norman Macdonald, and Mr and Mrs John H. Macdonald, Secretary of the National Council of Clan Donald Canada, attended to represent the Clan from Scotland. The Glasgow Society sent their Asst. Hon. Piper, Donald MacLeod. The reception was held at the bride’s home. The crowds around the centre of York were packed solid so that it was with great difficulty we managed to get into the Minster. The bride came in good time driven in an ‘omnibus’ drawn by four beautifully matched horses in the expert hands of Sir Ian’s uncle, Major Nigel Chamberlayne-Macdonald, whose wife’s family have owned the omnibus for many generations. Sir Ian, who graduated from the Agricultural College in Cirencester last year, has taken up his work in the Carlisle area now. We hope he will bring his wife to some of our meetings, where they can be assured of a great welcome.
Mac ‘Ic Ailein. Ranald, Chief and Captain of Clan Ranald and his wife Jayne continue to live in London and bring up their two boys, Ranald Angus Og, born Oct.1963 and Andrew Ivar, born June 1965. Ranald is 24th Chief of Clan Ranald, succeeded to the chiefship in 1956, and was married on the 4th March 1961. We are gad to know that his important line is unlikely to die out in males. He is a constant visitor to Scotland and the Clan Donald Societies where he is very welcome. We hope to see him at the Rally in August next.
Mac ‘Ic Alasdair. Air Cdre A.R.D. MacDonell CB DFC, 21st Chief of Glengarry, is still engaged in business since his retiral from the RAF, and his family have left the paternal roof. Ranald, Yr. of Glengarry, is married in London and has a daughter, Fiona Jane, born 8/2/71. Patrick, the second son, is also married and lives in Canada, where his wife presented him with a son, Angus Kurt, born 22/11/70. Glengarry visits Scotland as often as he can and comes to the Clan dinners where he is always a very welcome guest. His daughter, Lindsay, was received at our dinner in 1969 while she was still a student of Chemistry at Dundee University. We are glad to report that she has since then graduated with 1st Class Honours in Chemistry and is lecturing at London University. We hope she will visit us again soon. One day we hope to greet his sons, one or both, although that would seem to he some distance away considering how far away they live, and with young families travelling is not easy.
Other Notes.
Inverness County. We note with pleasure that the new Convener of the County Council elected in succession to the late Lord Macdonald is Major Andrew I. MacDonald of Blairour, Spean Bridge. All members of Clan Donald will be pleased with this appointment and wish Major MacDonald every success in his work, which is so vital to the welfare of the community.
Owing to the postal strike it is regretted that notes from the overseas societies have not come to hand.