This day Marshal Macdonald landed from the swift revenue cruiser at Armadale Castle, Isle of Skye, about seven in the evening and was met on the shore by many gentlemen. At this time a salute was fired from the cutter, which was returned from the Castle. The party then proceeded headed by Lord Macdonald’s piper. On coming near the Castle two hundred men of Lord Macdonald’s tenantry, who were drawn up on an eminence, gave the Marshal three cheers, waving their bonnets in the air. The Marshal, much pleased with their appearance, went amongst them and requested Macdonald of Staffa to address them in Gaelic, stating his delight to be amongst them. He told them he had the warmest feelings of attachment to the Highlands, for, independently of its being the birthplace of his father, it was the nurse of heroes and the grave of tyrannising foes. The Marshal called for a glass and drank in mountain spirits the health of their noble landlord, with all the honours, which was warmly pledged by the whole group. The party then adjourned to the Castle, where a sumptuous entertainment was prepared for them. |