Invergarry Castle, the Well of the Heads and the ancient burying ground at Kilfinnan have been entrusted to Clan Donald.
Thanks to the public spirit and generosity of Miss M.H.E. Cuninghame and Miss J.M.E. Cuninghame, who are descended from a sister of the last two chiefs of the male line of Alasdair Dubh of Glengarry, a trust has been formed to take care of these properties which are so closely associated with the history of the Macdonells of Glengarry.
The trustees are: Air Commodore Aeneas Donald MacDonell of Glengarry DFC RAF and his brother Peter Alexander MacDonell, Miss Margaret Helen Erskine Cuninghame and Miss Josephine Marsaili Erskine Cuninghame, George Donald MacDonald Banks, and the President of the Clan Donald Society in Edinburgh and the President of the Clan Donald Society in Aberdeen and their successors ex officiis.