The last issue of our magazine, Number 12, was published in 1991 to coincide with the centenary of its publisher, The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh (1891).
This issue, Number 13, has been published to coincide with the 250th anniversary of the last and greatest attempt to restore the royal house of Stewart, which has become known as the Forty-Five.
Since the publication of Number 12, the Society has celebrated its centenary and in 1992 the tercentenary of the Massacre of Glencoe was commemorated with a service in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Glencoe and by a wreath-laying ceremony at the Memorial, which was performed by Lord Macdonald, the High Chief of the Clan, with an estimated attendance of 300 persons.
The contents of this number, needless to say, include a number of articles on the Forty-Five but care has been taken to maintain the usual balance between items of both a historical and a topical nature.
The Editor wishes, once again, to thank all those who have so kindly submitted articles and photographs for publication, our advertisers for their support and his wife for her invaluable assistance in the preparation of the material for publication and proof reading.