Clan Echoes

Clan Donald Magazine No 4 (1968) Online

Clan Echoes

Rogart Memorial to Sir John A. MacDonald.

As we go to press, Baillie Hugh Macpherson of Edinburgh has announced that Mr John Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister of Canada, unveiled a plaque at Rogart, Sutherland, on July 13, to mark the site of the home of the parents of Sir John MacDonald, the first Prime Minister of Canada. He also visited Kildonan, Sutherland, where his own maternal forbears came from Sir John (1815-1891) was born in Glasgow, the third child of Hugh MacDonald, a native of Rogart, who emigrated with his family to Canada in 1820. He backed various schemes for British-American confederation and later was instrumental in forming the provinces into a united Canada, of which he was the first premier of the Dominion. He ensured the completion of the Canadian-Pacific Railway, the government acquisition of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and the proper administration the great North West. Clan Donald should be proud to have this son remembered on the centenary of his greatest achievement.

Donald J, our president, and Norman, our past president, and Miss A.H.M., our treasurer, represented the Clan; and the Canadian flag recently presented by Grand River Branch was used at the unveiling.

A Great Day for Clan Donald.

The Oban Times of 18th July announces the appointment of Lord Macdonald as County Convener, Inverness County Council, and Major Andrew J. MacDonald of Blarour, Spean Bridge, as Deputy Convener. Lord Macdonald’s comment was: “This is a great day for Clan Donald.”