Clan Donald USA Inc.
Greetings from Clan Donald, U.S.A. Ever since Norman asked me to submit an article for the Society’s next issue I have been trying to decide what would be of interest to you. I finally decided that perhaps you would like to know about our organization.
Clan Donald, U.S.A. is a not for profit corporation whose purpose is to preserve and promote the customs, traditions, and heritage of Clan Donald. The business and affairs of CDUSA are governed and controlled by a Board of Directors composed of the High Commissioner, Deputy High Commissioner, and the Regional Commissioners (there are 13 at present). The High Commissioner and Deputy are appointed by the High Chief of Clan Donald. The High Commissioner in turn appoints the Regional Commissioners. The Regional Commissioners appoint the State Commissioners.
Once a year we hold a general meeting to which all members are invited to attend. The Board of Directors conducts all of it’s business at this time.
CDUSA presently has 3040 members of which 370 are life members. The annual dues are $20 per family. Three dollars of the dues arc given to the Clan Donald Foundation, a separate not for profit corporation which can receive tax deductable contributions. The Foundation has made grants to many projects overseas and three in the US. However, most of the grants are made to the Clan Donald Visitor Center on Skye.
Colonel Jack E. MacDonald High Commissioner
Clan Donald Canada
“To all my Clansmen and Clanswomen in Canada
The recent sad loss of Judge Ian MacDonell, High Commissioner of Clan Donald in Canada and a great Clansman, left the Clan in Canada, without its leader. I have therefore had to take action to correct this situation and I am pleased to announce, that on this day, I have appointed Mr. E. Brundage MacDonald of Nova Scotia to serve as the new High Commissioner for Clan Donald in Canada. I have also approved the appointment of Mr. John H. Macdonald of Toronto, as Deputy High Commissioner and Mr. Duncan MacDonald of Brockville, as Honorary Secretary.
In making these appointments, I give Mr. E. Brundage MacDonald, full responsibility and authority for Clan Donald in Canada and to act as my sole representative in that great country.
The Clan Donald movement in Canada, is poised for a great future under this new leadership and 1 will watch with great interest, the efforts of this initiative and look forward to learning of its success. I urge every Clansman and Clanswoman in Canada, to get behind this team of dedicated Clansmen and to offer their total support in an effort to fulfil the potential of Clan Donald in Canada.”
With the above declaration, Lord Macdonald, High Chief of the name and Arms of Macdonald, Clan Donald Canada came into being to be a uniting body for the existing Clan Donald organizations in Canada, to move into all other areas of this great country establishing branches of the Clan, where our people can come together and keep alive our Scottish heritage, music, dance, dress, history and genealogy.
To justify the trust that has been placed in us we have made contacts all across Canada. The results to date are, members in nine provinces, two branches in Ontario, which are Kingston and the Isles, and Glengarry / Stormont. In Nova Scotia there have been five established branches for some years; they are Annapolis Valley, Antigonish County, Donald / Angus in Cape Breton, Halifax County and Pictou County. In the other provinces of Canada our people are gathering members so that branches can be established in their areas. The prospects look good that at least two more branches will be in operation by the end of 1994.
We would be glad to exchange information and ideas with other Clan Donald organisations from any part of the world.
E. Brundage MacDonald High Commissioner
Clan Donald New South Wales and in Australia
As I have only been High Commissioner for Clan Donald in Australia for a short period, and as I am a resident of New South Wales, I will firstly deal with activities to date concerning my new appointment and then follow with the Clan Donald State details.
My first official action was to visit The Australian Capital Territory in September, 1994 and establish a Clan Donald Society under the capable Presidency of Miss Esther E. Macdonald.
In October, November and December my wife and I will travel to Victoria, across the Tasman Sea to the Island of Tasmania (where we will spend several weeks), return to Victoria and finally visit South Australia.
Our aim will be to assist already established Clan Donald Societies wherever possible in Victoria and Tasmania and, hopefully, form a Clan Society in Adelaide, South Australia. In this vast continent of Australia, distances between capital cities preclude frequent visits but if we hasten slowly, doubtless in this fast-emerging multi-cultural nation of ours, Clan Donald will have firmly established foundations.
Our State membership is increasing and our entertainment is varied and interesting, always with the underlying desire to spread Scottish culture. We have a wealth of Clan Pipers and draw from a wide-range of interesting Guest Speakers at our various Cultural Evenings. Our Official Dinners, of which there are two, are well attended and we have a hard-working Council which regulates the pace and function of CD. NSW. At highland gatherings in various parts of the State, “The Macdonalds” are always very much in evidence with their large and well defined “Clan Marquee”. Additionally, Clan Members participate in the various Clan Marches, resplendent in their colourful Clan Blazers which have been the subject of many complimentary remarks from members of other Clans.
Clan Donald in NSW is really alive and improving month by month.
We send greetings and best wishes to all Clansfolk, in whatever part of the world, and express the fervent hope that Clan Donald will ever reign supreme.
James McConnell, High Commissioner for Clan Donald in Australia.
Clan Donald Society of New Zealand
It gives me considerable pleasure to be able to convey the warmest of greetings personally, and on behalf of Clan Donald Society members in the South Island of New Zealand, to our kin in Scotland and throughout the world.
That members of our great clan in New Zealand are proud to keep the history and traditions of the clan, you will read of in the article on the restoration of the Glengarry grave in Dunedin’s Southern Cemetery. We are also happy to say that the 13th day of February each year is also marked by services of remembrance, and we are pleased to have the privilege in 1995 of providing the Glencoe wreath.
Although we are the furthest members of Clan Donald from the homeland of our fathers, yet still we treasure our heritage.
I am grateful therefore, for this opportunity afforded me by the Editor, to greet my kin wherever they may be.
W.A. (Bill) McDonald, South Island Commissioner.