The Clan suffered the loss of two Chiefs in 1959: Sir Somerled Macdonald of Sleat and C. A. MacKain (MacIan of Ardnamurchan).
The Clan Donald Society of Glasgow was founded in 1894 as the Macdonald Society which was practically a resuscitation of an older society instituted five years earlier. In January 1891 that society organised the first gathering of Macdonalds since the ’45.
President: J. Macdonald Freer.
Hon. Sec: John K. Macdonald.
The Clan Donald Society of Aberdeen stems from the International Clan Donald Society which was founded in 1941 when a movement was made to link all Macdonalds to assist kinsmen from overseas. The organiser was Mr A. J. F. Macdonald and he visited Aberdeen in 1943 to address meetings and form a branch. Thus the Clan Donald Society of Aberdeen came into being in 1943. From its inception it has grown steadily.
President: Charles A. MacDonald.
Hon Sec: Mrs A. Johnston.
The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh was formed in 1891 as a branch of the Glasgow Society. Starting with 80 members the Society was supported by a large membership until the First World War. Between the wars it went from strength to strength. Since 1948 a determined effort has been made to extend the activities of the Society and its membership now stands at 260.
President: S. Murray Donald.
Hon Sec: Donald J. Macdonald.