Thanks to the generous co-operation of members overseas and here we are able to present this new number of our Magazine after the lapse of four years. We gratefully acknowledge the kindness of those who have contributed articles, and also those who have supported us by taking up advertising space.
Readers of our former numbers will notice that we have changed the Clan Crest on the cover. This is because there came into our hands a copy of the Clan Journal of 1896 issued in Glasgow – Price 2d! This is a copy of the crest used thereon, and we have used it in Glasgow and Edinburgh for the last 86 years on our notepaper and other documents. We thought it proper to revive it as it is simple and can be used by any Macdonald. The motto in Gaelic pleases us, being, as every Macdonald knows, just the well-known “Per Mare Per Terras”.
There have been many events of importance and interest during the last four years; but, as these have been well covered in regional Newsletters, we have not repeated them here. We note with pleasure that Newsletters in the regions are increasing in number. These are of inestimable value in giving local as well as worldwide news to members.
We hope that the circulation of this No 6 will amply warrant the production of No 7 at an early date – hopefully 1976.
We much regret that a number of valuable and interesting articles have come to hand too late to include in this number. These will be held over for our next Issue.