It is essential for any student of McDonnell history and genealogy to visit the ancient graveyard at Layde, not far from Cushendall in County Antrim. Many, many years ago that’s what Aodh de Blacam (“Roddy the Rover”) did, and he left us these wonderful lines as he describes his visit as he was conducted by a Glensman:
His guide told him that until then and in perpetuity Mass is said and would continue to be said once a month and the graves kept in order by a legacy which a later MacDonnell gave for the pious purpose. “So,” mused Aodh, “as I stood in that cliff-locked graveyard, near the dust of heroes whose tales I have heard all my life, I wondered how many other of our old Gaelic families bring their dead back thus to the ancestral holy place.” We shall now examine a few of the headstones pertinent to our investigation and the first is that of the noble doctor himself: Erected in Memory The inscription on another stone reads as follows: Here lyeth the body of Captn. Archd. McDonnell of By general consent the medical doctor who contributed most to the cultural life of Belfast was he whose bones lie in the old graveyard at Layde, none other than James McDonnell, a descendant of the great Alisdar MacColkitto. Being a Glensman James identified with the Gaelic way of life which surrounded him. He had even in his youth attended a “hedge school” in the caves at Rod Bay before going to continue his medical studies in Edinburgh. His home, Bheal an Uisge, always had, it is said, a warm welcome for the seanchai and the traditional musicians and his father Micheal Ruadh while he lived (he died while his boys were yet young) was most anxious that his sons would be reared and continue to carry on the traditions of the country. On graduating in medicine from Edinburgh in 1784 McDonnell set up practice in Belfast and there became one of the most famous physicians the city has ever known. No wonder Sir William Whitla was moved in his presidential address to the BMA in 1909 to refer to him as “an intellectual giant”, paying him tribute thus:
I don’t propose to deal with Dr McDonnell’s cultural activities, activities anticipating Drs Hyde and McNeill and the Gaelic League nearly a century later. These activities left Ireland very much in his debt – but that is another story. The purpose of this article is to trace the representative of Clann Iain Mhoir or Clan Donald South (Isla, Kintyre and Antrim). It will become obvious, or it should have from the headstone inscriptions in Layde why Dr James MacDonnell is an important link in the chain. On 15.3.84 the obituary columns of “The Irish Times” (Dublin) carried the following item, headed “Count Robert McDonnell of the Glens” “The death has occurred in Cheshire of Count Robert Jarlath Hartpole Hamilton McDonnell of the Glens. He was the descendant of the MacDonalds, Kings and Lords of the Isles, and of John McDonnell, second son of John, Lord of the Isles and his wife, Princess Margaret of Scotland, who founded the clan Ian M6r of Islay, Kintyre and the Glens of Antrim in about 1370.
The inheritor of this ancient title passes now to his son Randal McDonnell, K.M., who is proud – very proud – of his family’s history and tradition. “You’ve read about us in the history books,” he told an interviewer, “but we do exist, we’re still here. We have been here since before Caesar. While the Ascendancy were evicting the Irish and squeezing the life’s blood out of them, my family were founding the national schools, were friends with Wolfe Tone (Dr. James McDonnell). One of my ancestors was the first to ever use an anaesthetic for operating, another invented blood transfusions.” Needless to say his claims and credentials are recognised by the Chief Herald. |