The Centenary of The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh (1891).
It is a particular honour and privilege for me to be President of The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh during its Centenary Year. That I hold this office at this moment in time is purely coincidental and is no more than a case of “greatness having been thrust upon me!”
One hundred years of uninterrupted continuity is a considerable achievement for any organisation and I feel that our Society can only be proud of its century.
Many significant developments have been seen in the world during that period, especially in the realms of travel and communications which have allowed the Society to broaden the scope of its interests internationally and welcome members from Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the globe. Thus fulfilling the true meaning of the Gaelic word clann in the sense of family.
Our Society owes its success to the efforts our members have made from the time of its inception until the present day and also to the encouragement given by the successive Chiefs of Clan Donald.
One hundred years is, to my mind, a very firm foundation for any Society’s future and I have no doubt that with such a cornerstone to build on, our Society can only flourish.
Donald M. Macdonald, President.
Clan Donald Society of Glasgow.
As President of your “Sister Society” may I on behalf of Clansfolk in the West offer our sincere congratulations on the occasion of your Centenary.
During my term of office a bond has been forged between our Societies, it is my dearest wish that this friendship will continue and strengthen in the years to come.
I look forward to sharing in your celebrations, it was an honour for me to have so many of our Edinburgh Society present during our Centenary Year.
May 1991 be the beginning of a happy and joyous time in the history of Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh.
“There is no joy without Clan Donald.”
Bill Macdonald, President.