The publication of this issue has been deliberately timed to coincide with the centenary of the magazine’s publisher: The Clan Donald Society of Edinburgh (1891).
The proposal to publish a magazine was first made in May1954 by Gilbert McWhannell, a former Honorary Secretary who edited the Society’s Newsletters from their introduction in March 1948 until 1955, a task which was then taken over by his successor, Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton. Mr McWhannell’s original suggestion was to have the Newsletter developed into a Magazine.
The first Editor who was appointed in 1956, was George McDonald Banks, a Council Member of the Society and the Glasgow and Aberdeen Societies were invited to participate in the production of the Magazine.
The first issue saw the light of day in the spring of 1959, under the editorship of George McDonald Banks, the advertising having been handled by a professional advertising agency appointed by James Macdonald Freer, President of the Glasgow Society.
Mr Banks remained as Editor of Magazine Numbers 2 (1961), and 3 (1965). being succeeded by Dr. Robert McL. Gorrie, who edited Number 4 (1968) and died while preparing the material for Magazine No.5 which was eventually published in 1971 under the editorship of Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton. Magazine No.6 was published in 1975 under the joint editorship of Donald J. Macdonald of Castleton and present Editor who has continued in office until the present time. Magazine Numbers 7 to 11 were published in 1977, 1979.1981, 1984 and 1987, respectively.
It has always been the present Editor’s policy to change the colour of the magazine cover of each issue, mainly for identification purposes and his choice of purple for this number was made to represent – Fraoch Gorm i.e. Common Heath or Purple Heather, the plant badge of the Clan.
The Editor wishes to thank all those who have kindly submitted articles and photographs for and donations towards the cost of publication, our advertisers for their support in contributing to the success of our magazine and last but not least his wife for her invaluable assistance in the preparation of the material for publication and proofreading, without which his task would have been the more difficult.