Continued from CDM No 8.
Alexander Ewen MacDonald, Sixth of Aird and Vallay was born at Vallay on 17th July 1828. On 18th March 1856, he married Catherine Grant from Edinburgh, at Meningoort, near Camperdown, Victoria, Australia. They had the following children: Alexander James, Colin Hector, Catherine, Duncan, William Donald Stuart, Colin Hector (the first Cohn H. died young), Flora Jessie, John Neil, George Godfrey Duncan, Christina Harriet, Mary Belle, Kenneth Reginald and Edith Lillian. With the exception of the latter, all were born in Australia.
The only son of Alexander Ewen who has male descendants living today was George G.D. He married Esther Jane King. Their son Ray King MacDonald is living in Gisborne, NZ. His elder son, Donald Kenneth Lindsay lives near Gisborne. He has two daughters.
D.K.L. MacDonald’s only brother, Stuart George, lives at Morrinsville, NZ. He has two sons – Allan Douglas and William Donald Stuart.
Alexander Ewen MacDonald has left many female descendants in New Zealand, but only four living male descendants bearing the name MacDonald. It is pleasing to note that this important Sleat family has not died out as is the case with so many of our Clan Donald cadet families.